The demand for a golf cart is high among the golfers these days. From the beginners to the avid golfers, everyone likes to have a golf cart, as the use of such vehicle makes their golf playing easier, convenient and less tiring job. If a golfer has to walk through the golf course while carrying his golfing accessories for a long time, then he can easily get tired. This tiredness never allows a golfer to play this game with ample skill, strength and stamina. Instead of losing these vital elements to play the game of golf, why not use a golf cart? Golf cart service in Lexington · This vehicle brings great help for the golfers Carry your golfing accessories and even yourself in the golf car and travel around the golf course in a very convenient manner. A golf cart also protects you and the golfing accessories from the bad weather conditions like rain, snow, wind, dust and sun. So having such a vehicle is really very important for you. An...